Our Sponsors

We would like to thank all of our volunteers and sponsors that make this program possible in Rock Hill!

Dalton Help Foundation

DHF is a non-profit organization that assists familes to aide in medical expenses, therapy, and education for children affected by autism. On a broader level, it helps the surrounding York County community become a better place by raising awareness and to help children and families affected with disabilties.  It gives to local schools to purchase materials for kids with special needs, Kids Rein a horseback riding camp for kids with disabilities, Camp Arc a summer camp for kids with disabilities and various other organizations.  Thank you so much DHF for your commitment to make York County more accesible and aware of children with disabilties and thank you for helping All American Athletes.

Rock Hill Parks, Recreation and Tourism

Rock Hill Parks has been committed to creating opportunites for kids and adults with various disabilites through progarms such as Merry Pranksters, Special Olympics, Camp Arc and other programs.  They focus on providing meaningful experiences through leisure activities and have worked hard to make All American Athletes succesful in the York County Area.  Rock Hill has allowed us to use a Cherry Park Field and borrow equipment from them to help support this program and make it a success!  We appreciate this organization and the programs they provide for kids and adults with disabilties in the York County area!  Thanks for helping to make All American Athletes a success.