Thanks for expressing an interest in working with this unique sports league offered here in Rock Hill. We are partnering with Rock Hill Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Dalton Help Foundation to offer a therapeutic recreational sports league for special needs kids from the ages 4 to 13. The league offers a structured setting where students with special needs can learn the basic of sports and engage in social relationships outside of the school setting. This entire league is volunteer and based solely on the support of the Rock Hill community. We need various levels of support. The athletes are paired up with one volunteer that is their "coach" and helps them learn the basics of the sport/activity and is their buddy for the game. Be sure to check out our calendar for day and exact time commitments. If you would like to be added to the list serv to be contacted in the future about volunteer experiences, please email Lesslie at or you can contact Wendy at Rock Hill Parks and Recreation at 329-5659.